Monday, 24 September 2007

on the abundance of dishes

a real sore point in my life up to about a month ago was the issue of dishes. i was really attracting a sinkful of dirty dishes every night. amazing, particularly with me not being in the house during the day, one child at school and the other child, well he has particularly small dishes. my husband had very succesfully attracted someone to do his dishes. that guy . . . and he says he doens't believe! if he only knew....

ANYWAY. i decided when i started seriously applying the principles of the law of attraction that i was going to have to get past this issue which was probably impeding my progress. so i thought the first step is to deliberately do the dishes with a happy attitude. and i have enjoyed doing the dishes. and i have realized that i really do like getting the dishes clean. the dishes no longer make my shoulders go tense. i can honestly say i love doing the dishes. now wait a minute, i'm attracting dishes! somehow i've got this all wrong!

okay, so i sit down tonight and think 'well, alright, i'm in a place where the dishes is not a bothersome thought. but i prefer not to have any at all. what shall i do?! i know. i will really appreciate my empty sink once the dishes are done." so i stared at my lovely sink which was oh-so-empty. nevermind riches, health, i was determined to attract an empty sink! oh! and clean dishes - quick holly, turn to the clean dishes! appreciate them! appreciate!!! okay that's too much.

oh crap. i've been appreciating the dishes in the drainer. i need to go appreciate the dishes that are clean AND put away! so wow did i have a love-session with those dishes.

well, at least i'm happy. . .

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