Monday 3 December 2007

spreading the word

i know it doesn't matter one darned bit what anyone else thinks about all this stuff, it only matters to me, but i was secretly really pleased last week (and still, today!) that i was able to help a friend.

now, before we all go thinking i was sticking my nose in where it didn't belong, or trying to paddle in someone else's stream, or whatever, realize this person came to me. i have made slight comments here and there in a lighthearted way that indicate what my new philosophy is. and this person -someone i completely adore- asked me for some help on "thinking". wow. i was completely honoured.

she was in a bad way occupationally, and i can't repeat the details of it. but she needed a new job NOW.

well the first thing i said is "stop needing it. you want it, but you don't need it."

she said "but i really really need it."

i said "let's agree on some factual level that you need it. now let's kick that need over there in the corner in fact-land (god i hate fact-land!). now, there is only wanting. no needing, only wanting."

"NOW, what i would do if i were sitting in your seat, is think of all the wonderful things about having that new job. what is it you love about the job? how will you be sitting in the office? what is the atmosphere like?" and so on.

"next, now that you have 'asked', release it and just feel good. feel really good and grateful about a bunch of things today."

now that was the corker. there was a horrible thing that had landed on her, which was the reason for her needing a new job quick. i said, "that's fine. what we're going to do is this: what is the most fantastic thing you have ever experienced?" she thought about it, and told me about a specific holiday, and how it was the most wonderful time ever. i said "whenever you think about this horrible thing you will IMMEDIATELY replace it with this picture."

now something amazing here: she had two days - well, one and a half - to sit there with this momumental task of monitoring her thoughts. i reminded her to just let go. just feel good.

on the third day, she got the phone call she expected. the job she was after was offered. RESULT!

score another one for LOA!

now surely, if i can help my friend achieve her dreams, i can achieve mine, right?

absolutely. it is coming. and i'm so grateful for it. :)

Sunday 2 December 2007

I DID IT!!! #2

no, not *a #2*. this is not that kind of blog.

i did nanowrimo. and i made the winner's list.

that is the reason for my sporadic posts last month. i could not keep up the writing and the daily posting here. but this is okay, because now i have to look back and go WOW.

nanowrimo, if you don't know, is National Novel Writing Month. a 50,000 word novel, to be created in a month. it's quite a task. i didn't realize how big a task it was. i mean, yes, i knew, but i didn't appreciate how taxing it would be.

i was thinking today, what a wonderful example of LOA this was. how so?

i only knew i wanted to do it. i never thought about what would happen if i *didn't* do it. i never thought about not having done it. i always just knew i was going to do it. i had been wanting to do it since early this year. so when someone asked me in october if i would do it, i thought "i can't be talking about LOA and such if i don't do this thing i really want to do. yes, i'll do it."

and i loved it. i loved every minute of writing that thing. well, no not EVERY minute. the i've-only-had-five-hours-of-sleep wasn't adorable. but the rest of it, pretty great. i so wish it was almost time to do it again. no i don't, i can use the year's break.

so i :
1) asked
2) believed
3) allowed
and i received it. nanowrimo was an amazing example of LOA! and now all i have to do is treat everything i want like i treated nanowrimo, and i'll get it, right? surely...

so what do i want next? i want to turn this thing i've written into something really good, then get it published. that would be so wonderful. yes! i attract that now!

so i've asked. now all i have to do is believe and receive! easy, right?

what i didn't do was finish the 21 days of gratitude properly. whooops. i'll have to do that on my own bat. i think it is incredibly wonderful and potentially very powerful, and gosh, i'm grateful for it. but, it was just on the list of things i could not also do at the same time as nanowrimo.

it's december now. i'm going to do the habit of 21 days of gratitude from now until christmas eve. we'll see what happens. wow! maybe i'll learn to be so thankful for my husband that he will no longer annoy the heck out of me with his shouting (that statement will just about guarantee he'll accidentally read this)! maybe i'll be so thankful for my children that they will be the most well-behaved, non-toy-throwing children ever!

just eating their veggies would be a good start...

Wednesday 21 November 2007

trying to keep the promise of 21 days of gratitude

i seriously need to attract more time in my life. i am hereby really REALLY REALLY thankful for the abundance of time i have in my life right now.

i have more than enough time to come and post about my 21 days of gratitude, which so far, has been compacted into one. yes, i went to the

site (that was way bigger than i wanted, but i'm too tired to change it, so just be thankful it isn't filled with lasers...), experienced the thankfulness, and yeah, i feel pretty good.

i really had a positive reaction to the psychology of happiness site (will insert link later) that they link to, mainly because i'm a psychology grad and love the idea of a happiness psychology. i'd love to be a professor of that. yes, i know, i try to say it now, but i'd like the actual title with it. :)

anyway, so you're supposed to log 5 things a day you're thankful for. tomorrow i'll insert day one's five things (seriously, it's the novel-writing thing getting in the way.) along with day two's five things and day three's five things which i will have to do tomorrow, and hopefully will end with day four's five things, which tomorrow is. nothing like scrunching it all in, eh?

okay, i got 1000 more words tonight before i can go to bed. i can't WAIT for november. (

Monday 19 November 2007


okay. you may have been wondering where i was. i did not drop off the planet, although that would seem not much weirder than what i am doing.

i have signed up for NaNoWriMo. 50,000 words before the end of november. hmmm... previously, i'd have thought 'no problem, i blog every day, how hard can pumping out 1667 words a day as part of a story be?!'

yeah. i know.
that was dumb.

yes, i know. i heard you the first time.

aaaanyway. i'm scooting along fine on it, with the exception that apparently, i forgot to take into consideration the fact that i have children and at least one blog. oooooops.

also, i forgot that i like to sleep. occasionally.... gosh how i miss that.

the whole point for me was of kicking my creative outlet skills up to the next notch, which has been great, and i have only done it *because* of following LOA. if it feels good do it. and i sooooo feels good. i love it love it love it. and at least three *THREE* of the words i've written so far have NOT been crappy! really! no, it's true!!! maybe four...
but still, it feels good. so i'm a'doin' it. :)

lessons learned so far?

well, possibly, just POSSIBLY, staying up to 3 am then getting up at 8 am for work is incompatible with trying to achieve the happiness level needed for a lot of LOA stuff. as such, i decided to err on the side of omission with this blog. not that i'm not happy, it's just that my happy side is out looking for a cup of coffee. it will be back, and with a vengeance, but for now, the smiley face is a bit painted-on.

and just because i think i may be really REALLY insane, i have joined Elyse Hope Killoran's 21 days of gratitude. yes, for 21 days, i'm going to do the gratitude thing - this is the perfect month for it, eh? what could possibly go wrong? at any rate, i will always have an update for my journey to abundance, yet at the same time, be writing complete nonsense for my novel. yay!

i encourage you to do the same. with the gratitude.
or the novel, too! if it's in there, dig it out. DIG IT OUT!!!

peace (the kind that exists when the kids go down, not the kind politicians wish on the world)(<=even my jokes are suffering since nanowrimo!),


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Tuesday 6 November 2007

making life more parking-spaces-like

it seems i can make a parking space in front of my house out of thin air now.

at 9pm at night, it is just about impossible for most people to get parked on our street if they aren't already parked. not me. we drove home yesterday, and the street was packed. i said "oh, i'd really love a spot in front of the house. universe?" then i closed my eyes. i saw the space. there was no space. i closed my eyes, and thought "i know it will come any second." and i knew it.

someone pulled away.

some person who i hadn't seen come out of a house pulled away from our street, leaving me the space!

if my whole life could be like parking spaces, it would be so awesome. what i need is to ask the universe for that gazillion dollars in the same frame of mind as the parking space. in fact, from now on, universe, whenever i get a parking place, i want a gazillion dollars there too. nice. thank you.

so i've asked.

now i have to (step 2, according to The Secret) believe. i do. i totally do. no, i don't believe a gazillion dollars is going to be in the parking space. i have to start believing there's going to be a gazillion dollars in the parking space.

then i can move on to step 3 - the receiving.

i half got something else i wanted today. i really wanted a response to a letter i sent. all the way home i believed i was going to get it. i so did. it so wasn't the response i wanted. but instead of focusing on that response, i'm going to send the letter to other agencies. one of *them* will give me the response i want. i know it. i want it, i believe - i truly believe it. so now i am just going to sit back and receive it. in my big ol' parking space.

Friday 2 November 2007

what a healthy healthy halloween

i didn't post night before last because i didn't have anything fantastic to say. however, that was because i was looking for something *better* than the norm to write about. and how lovely is it that my life has started to be so lovely that now my standard is 'it has to be absolutely amazing' to write. but what i was forgetting is that it's all amazing.

wednesday night we went to a halloween party. there were games such as eat-a-donut-off-a-string and bobbing-for-apples. well, i got caught up in the fun of the evening, so i, too, played the donut game. it was fun to absolutely be in a place where i didn't care that i probably looked like an idiot. (there was no 'probably' - we all did). and then afterwards, it struck me that i was to caught up in the moment that i didn't realize it was something i *never* ever do. i do *not* drink from other people's glasses. i do not use public toilets, and i do *not* eat a donut off a string that a bunch of other people have tried to eat a donut off of.

why? because the old me was *extremely* germ conscious. i didn't want to come in contact with millions of other people's germs. goodness sake, you could get all kinds of sick!

well not anymore. i just don't believe it. i am not at all attracting sickness. here it is, the next day, and i'm fit as a fiddle. ready to go for a jog tonight.

and as if to say 'trust me, you'll be alright,' i'm sure it was the universe that put an article on my homepage today which talked about 'the myths of the common cold'. apparently you *can't* just get it by being in the room with other people who have them! who knew! so i have decided it's okay that i did this. i absolutely love being healthy, and i think i shall continue to do that.

i didn't, however, bob for apples. that's just yucky.

Tuesday 30 October 2007

enjoying the journey

i had a great jog this evening, and realized, mid-run, that for the first time in possibly, oh EVER, i was NOT thinking about the end of the run. i wasn't focused on the finish point. i was just out there, enjoying being running! it was totally amazing. i turned my head sideways, and noticed that i was fairly bookin' it, i mean, for me. sometimes when you're looking forward only, you don't notice how fast you're going, or that you're moving at all. hmmm. how many levels does that work on?

anyway, i always wanted it to be like this. and here it is.

i realized that's where the bliss is. it's in the middle of things. *finishing* my code isn't nearly as blissful as being in the middle of the flow of it. although finishing does give me a buzz too.

and the children. oh goodness, when the little 'un isn't throwing things, he's soooo cute. and i take great joy in just watching him discover.
similarly, there are few things better than having discussions with the 8-y-o over pumpkin carving. those moments are great to get stuck in.

last night the three of us were making halloween cookies. i work full-time, so i just got instant cookie mix. i really wasn't keen on m2 being involved, as i could see flour going everywhere, and i was too exhausted for a major cleaning session. so he slowly sidled up to the chair. then he sat on the chair and looked at me. then he just sat there, occasionally pointing to whatever we'd done and saying "ayuu-uh," his word for everything he doesn't yet have a word for.

then i thought, "well it's not like flour *isn't* going to get a few places, okay, fine." and i let him push a few cookie cutters into the dough. oh how he loved it, and so what if it was messier. he was having a great time, right up to the point...

that he sneezed all over the cookies.

it's a good thing i bought three boxes....