Friday, 2 November 2007

what a healthy healthy halloween

i didn't post night before last because i didn't have anything fantastic to say. however, that was because i was looking for something *better* than the norm to write about. and how lovely is it that my life has started to be so lovely that now my standard is 'it has to be absolutely amazing' to write. but what i was forgetting is that it's all amazing.

wednesday night we went to a halloween party. there were games such as eat-a-donut-off-a-string and bobbing-for-apples. well, i got caught up in the fun of the evening, so i, too, played the donut game. it was fun to absolutely be in a place where i didn't care that i probably looked like an idiot. (there was no 'probably' - we all did). and then afterwards, it struck me that i was to caught up in the moment that i didn't realize it was something i *never* ever do. i do *not* drink from other people's glasses. i do not use public toilets, and i do *not* eat a donut off a string that a bunch of other people have tried to eat a donut off of.

why? because the old me was *extremely* germ conscious. i didn't want to come in contact with millions of other people's germs. goodness sake, you could get all kinds of sick!

well not anymore. i just don't believe it. i am not at all attracting sickness. here it is, the next day, and i'm fit as a fiddle. ready to go for a jog tonight.

and as if to say 'trust me, you'll be alright,' i'm sure it was the universe that put an article on my homepage today which talked about 'the myths of the common cold'. apparently you *can't* just get it by being in the room with other people who have them! who knew! so i have decided it's okay that i did this. i absolutely love being healthy, and i think i shall continue to do that.

i didn't, however, bob for apples. that's just yucky.

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