okay. you may have been wondering where i was. i did not drop off the planet, although that would seem not much weirder than what i am doing.
i have signed up for NaNoWriMo. 50,000 words before the end of november. hmmm... previously, i'd have thought 'no problem, i blog every day, how hard can pumping out 1667 words a day as part of a story be?!'
yeah. i know.
that was dumb.
yes, i know. i heard you the first time.
aaaanyway. i'm scooting along fine on it, with the exception that apparently, i forgot to take into consideration the fact that i have children and at least one blog. oooooops.
also, i forgot that i like to sleep. occasionally.... gosh how i miss that.
the whole point for me was of kicking my creative outlet skills up to the next notch, which has been great, and i have only done it *because* of following LOA. if it feels good do it. and i sooooo feels good. i love it love it love it. and at least three *THREE* of the words i've written so far have NOT been crappy! really! no, it's true!!! maybe four...
but still, it feels good. so i'm a'doin' it. :)
lessons learned so far?
well, possibly, just POSSIBLY, staying up to 3 am then getting up at 8 am for work is incompatible with trying to achieve the happiness level needed for a lot of LOA stuff. as such, i decided to err on the side of omission with this blog. not that i'm not happy, it's just that my happy side is out looking for a cup of coffee. it will be back, and with a vengeance, but for now, the smiley face is a bit painted-on.
and just because i think i may be really REALLY insane, i have joined Elyse Hope Killoran's 21 days of gratitude. yes, for 21 days, i'm going to do the gratitude thing - this is the perfect month for it, eh? what could possibly go wrong? at any rate, i will always have an update for my journey to abundance, yet at the same time, be writing complete nonsense for my novel. yay!
i encourage you to do the same. with the gratitude.
or the novel, too! if it's in there, dig it out. DIG IT OUT!!!
peace (the kind that exists when the kids go down, not the kind politicians wish on the world)(<=even my jokes are suffering since nanowrimo!),
i have signed up for NaNoWriMo. 50,000 words before the end of november. hmmm... previously, i'd have thought 'no problem, i blog every day, how hard can pumping out 1667 words a day as part of a story be?!'
yeah. i know.
that was dumb.
yes, i know. i heard you the first time.
aaaanyway. i'm scooting along fine on it, with the exception that apparently, i forgot to take into consideration the fact that i have children and at least one blog. oooooops.
also, i forgot that i like to sleep. occasionally.... gosh how i miss that.
the whole point for me was of kicking my creative outlet skills up to the next notch, which has been great, and i have only done it *because* of following LOA. if it feels good do it. and i sooooo feels good. i love it love it love it. and at least three *THREE* of the words i've written so far have NOT been crappy! really! no, it's true!!! maybe four...
but still, it feels good. so i'm a'doin' it. :)
lessons learned so far?
well, possibly, just POSSIBLY, staying up to 3 am then getting up at 8 am for work is incompatible with trying to achieve the happiness level needed for a lot of LOA stuff. as such, i decided to err on the side of omission with this blog. not that i'm not happy, it's just that my happy side is out looking for a cup of coffee. it will be back, and with a vengeance, but for now, the smiley face is a bit painted-on.
and just because i think i may be really REALLY insane, i have joined Elyse Hope Killoran's 21 days of gratitude. yes, for 21 days, i'm going to do the gratitude thing - this is the perfect month for it, eh? what could possibly go wrong? at any rate, i will always have an update for my journey to abundance, yet at the same time, be writing complete nonsense for my novel. yay!
i encourage you to do the same. with the gratitude.
or the novel, too! if it's in there, dig it out. DIG IT OUT!!!
peace (the kind that exists when the kids go down, not the kind politicians wish on the world)(<=even my jokes are suffering since nanowrimo!),
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Hey, Holly...
Glad to have you back! Persistent gratitude is definitely my gig - I even got a note from the Universe reminding me of that today!
"Persistent thought is your ticket.
Persistent gratitude makes it easy.
And persistent action, Kathleen, tells one and all, "There ain't no way, honey, I'm settling for less."
I notice these things.
The Universe [theuniverse@tut.com]
It is our Thanksgiving here this weekend - I wish you peace, love and lots of sleep! I am thankful you are back!
hey kathleen, good to see you!
what a great note! that universe! it surely rocks!
i hope you have a great thanksgiving! i am already thankful that i don't have to cook or clean up a huge thanksgiving meal (though one of these days i'm going to visit family stateside to be involved. i miss thanksgiving.)
and the sleep is pickin' up. :) :)
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