Thursday, 11 October 2007

i magnetize a book!!! part of the WOW series!

i love my former neighbour. she's so great. she's former neighbour BUT current friend. i love that she likes talking neal donald walsh, abraham, and wayne dyer. good stuff. lovely lovely lady. i have tea at her house, and usually try to bring banana caramel flavour - i know she likes that.

one day, my son "grabby magillicutty" grabbed a book on her counter. the dairy home cookery book. he gave it to me, and i perused it. LOVELY little book, with great recipes and tips. my friend said i could have it. well it looked like she used this a lot, so i said i'd borrow it and return it.

well how many months ago was that? she hasn't asked for the book back, but i wanted to return it to her. my son, "smashy mcgrab-grab", who is 2.5, broke the spine of the book. i couldn't give *that* back to her! so i have been looking and looking and looking for this book. it hasn't been the *height* of passion, i knew it would eventually make its way to me, but i have been thinking about it a lot, with the intention that i will get her a new copy, and i would like a new copy too.

but i let go of it. i *wanted* it, but i wasn't *attached* to it.

i *think* that is why today when i walked into the mail / stationery area at work, amongst the pile of books that 'the book guy' left, was
badda boom, badda bing. i now am gettin' me a beautiful new copy and gettin' one for my lovely friend.

this was just completely fantastic. i mean i REALLY wanted this book, in the back of my head.
seeing it was just almost like the universe (big U!) was trying to smack me with the message "if you just let go, it will come to you."

i'm going to treat my finances like the dairy home cookery book. i really want abundance, but in the meantime, i'm going to just be happy and go about my business. then the inspiration to do things will come.

the even more amazing thing about this is that this was on a sleep-deprived day. i clocked out at 2:30 am yesterday after an ABUNDANCE of commenting on my other blog. but i refused to go to bed without setting the intention that today would be a good day anyway, and refused to get out of bed this morning until i was in a great mood. i had a fantastic day today, under conditions i normally would have been really, um, un-user-friendly from.

however, i *am* going to go to bed early tonight, as i can tell from the feeling of someone drilling a hole down through my head, that lack-of-sleep is not all that compatible with practicing the law of attraction.

sweet dreams. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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