this one goes out to my first commenter! i wish i had a prize for her! oh wait. yes, i intend that she will get a little prize.
let's go back. so as much fun as this is to write this and view my own progress, and okay i know my mom's reading it (well she says she is) (hi mom!), i have been thinking it would be really rewarding to actually have someone i don't know see it and like it. then i've either entertained or inspired someone who isn't biased. (no offense, mom, and hey, good job with the loving thing!). from the moment i started this blog, i had the intention that people would see it and either be inspired or be entertained. every day i would think "today is the day someone sees the blog", then feel the feeling of it being done. oh, and not forgetting the thank you!
well, i was looking at some other blogs this weekend and thinking oh hey that's cool, i'll link to them. eventually i'll have readers and they can be led to these other really good blogs. i found the Law of Attraction Playground, and i really like that. there is some good stuff, in particular, a pray rain journal that i'm going to start doing. next day, i see Vanessa's Musings From a Life Coach. i loved it. there is a story about a cracked pot that was really appropriate to what i was talking to mom about later that day. but i had gotten distracted by my 2 year old who was setting out the intention that i should get him food, and not very quietly. so i didn't get a chance to leave a comment.
today i think "ya know what? i'll get a little more proactive with this." and i start looking at ways to get more hits on my blog (i'm new to the blogging thang). so i sit down to do tonight's entry, and
A COMMENT! someone left me a comment! who is it who is it who is it?! and then i click.
it's the gal whose website i was ON this weekend! so now if you're reading this, go check out her blog. go ahead. i'll wait. i'll be here when you get back. oh hi! wasn't it great?
now if you are reading this and don't believe law of attraction works - call me and i'll tell you this story!
thank you, Vanessa, you have made my day. and lately, that is a big feat...
i still appreciate my first reader, mom. okay mom, stop crying.
well today is october 1st. october is the month of the year i totally love. one of its days is my birthday, but i pretty much claim the whole month as my party ground. it's the one month of the year that i feel good anyway. i used to notice the decline back to normality as november 1 hit. this year i am going to proceed differently. i have decided i'm going to be 25 this year. i toyed with being 20, but i didn't like it as much as i liked 25. so i'm going back to my 25 year old body, only thinner. and hey, i'm almost as thin as the thinnest i was in hawaii. soon, it will be. i claim it now!
i got a feed for my homepage (i used iGoogle, it means i can put all sorts of little widgets on, cleanly) from Steve Pavlina's page - i followed a link on Law of Attraction Playground (thanks Jeanette!). so the entire month of october has a chance to shine, as i'm going to be participating in the million dollar experiment.
some things in this (the moolah) department are already working. i have been staring at a £1000 (and 23 pence, just for fun) cheque for 3 weeks now. i have been feeling the excitement and gratitude of receiving that cheque, believing it would come.
do-di-do, so there were driving out to god-knows-where-oh-yeah-mcdonalds. b* says "yeah, i have got a slight raise, it appears. i used to clear x, now i clear x + 100." holy cripes! that's 12*£100 = £1200! wooooo hoooooo! hey, my husband, my bank account, i'm counting it!!!!
this is in addition to the giggle i gave the other day. i have already mentioned that the secret is on a constant loop in my car's cd player. well, one day recently, when Loral Langmeier said "money comes easily and frequently," i added "and i have so much money i have trouble shutting my purse." NOTE TO READERS : don't do this unless you are able to catch the money. i was not able to close my purse all day that day, pound coins kept falling out, and people were looking at me like i was challenged. imagine jerry lewis trying to juggle coins. that was me in the middle of asda (americans: that's the british wal-mart).
okay, i think that's all the fantastic things that happened today or recently. isn't that enough for one day? no? okay. i needed some pajamas. i have been focusing on feeling lots of love recently. so when i saw the pajama bottoms with LOVE printed all over them, i had to buy them. that explains the picture above (yes, i'm now enhanced with pictures!), which should be about
here-> X. baby steps.
one last thought : i mentioned that i was going to church. well, it was nice and all, but i did wonder what the elders (or whoever runs the cathedral nearby) thought was the reason god would want us to stand then sit, then stand, then sit again. okay now stand. back to sitting STAND. now sit. i think the universe does not really care whether i stand or sit.
but my friend rachel told me the best joke today. i wish i had a reference for it, it's hilarious and someone deserves credit. (irreverence warning ahead!)
did you hear that they have a new low-fat communion alternative coming out? it's called "i can't believe it's not jesus." oh THANK you to whoever thought that one up. we laughed so hard. i still have tears in my eyes. and then i had to explain to my daughter why i thought a joke about jesus was funny.
Hi Holly
Thank you for your lovely comments, and for the title of your thread. Perhaps this will be my 15 minutes of fame!
Holly, I've now put a link on my site to your blog. So hopefully we can improve the flow of traffic between our blogs. You really have a talent for humorous writing, there's obviously a hidden comedy writer in there somewhere. Move over Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders!!!!
thank you!!!! i'm really having fun doing this. funny you should say about the comedy. one thing i'm trying to magnetize is an open-mic night in cardiff. i did a couple of stand-up gigs in college and loved it.
thanks for the link!!! may both our blogs enjoy increased traffic!!
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