Friday, 19 October 2007

a little bit of sleep goes a long long way

oh wow what a day i had. who knew that getting the right amount of sleep would so facilitate the LOA?

although clearly i didn't learn my lesson, as it is 1:06. this is the LAST time i will write after midnight. gotta be.

particularly after today, in which holly discovered that the combination of a good night's sleep AND happy feelings AND letting go just makes things rocket towards you. today i was given a birthday present - and it was something i had been wanting for QUITE some time, and the person could NOT have known it (it's geeky/techie, and i don't mention those things to her, she's more human-resources-y). WOW!!!

and some information i have been looking for plopped right in my lap (well, my desktop, which is on my laptop, which, yes! is on my lap!)

and although i have been mentioning code working for quite some time, the BIG test of really working was today. RIGHT AS GOING HOME TIME CAME, the dang thing worked perfectly. my coworkers are starting to tease me about my victory dance. why the heck not!?!

but the freakiest thing of all. it shouldn't be freaky, after all the things i've witnessed recently, but it is. on The Secret cds, when (i will have to look up and edit this post later to put the right name in) says he just visualizes cheques coming, i thought "hey, i want some of that." so i have been visualizing cheques coming in the mail.

what did i do today? i was holding a stack of cheques that had come in. a STACK. just like i'd pictured. now they were in amounts on the order of XX, and i really kind of wanted the order of XXXX, but hey, i'll take the XXs. they work too! the amazing thing is that i was holding a bloody stack of cheques, folks! this stuff works! i just really have to working on
a) getting clearer; and
b) the letting go - the allowing.

it doesn't just snap to. but the development is so awesome. i can't WAIT to see what's next!

and hopefully my son will sleep in tomorrow. OR, in the next few minutes, i will be able to attract a time machine to take me back one hour, write this post and go to bed. but that sounds like an awful lot of work for one day. i'll just have the intention that tomorrow will be wonderful.

i'll let you know. :)


ObsessiveSLP said...

Hi, Holly!

Kathleen from Boston here again. [Our Red Sox pulled one off Thursday night…keep some good LOA thoughts going for them!!!] Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I loved your idea about looking back 5 years, present day, and ahead 5 years. I have been writing about it in my journal, and it is amazing to me to see in print what I have accomplished! Short version of a long story – I have moved from a depths of despair situation exactly 5 years ago, to being Happy/Joyous/Free now! Of course, now that I understand LOA, I feel like I am more focused in my deliberate creations, and have a better sense of how I got here! I am in the process of writing about my life 5 years out, and I am so excited! Thanks for your suggestion, and keep writing! I love reading your adventures!!


holly said...

hi Kat!

good to hear from you again! good LOA thoughts always travel from me to the sox!

i'm really pleased you liked the post. it is really uplifting to see that there is evidence of things working in our favour!

kudos on the life-turnaround! isn't it mind-blowing to see life go the right way?

yay you!