Friday, 5 October 2007

using the pray rain journal

James Ray continuously makes the point on The Secret cds that you can't just have one area in your life be great and be abundant. okay fine, i can't be a millionaire while i'm annoyed at my husband. fine fine fine fine fine. so let's work on that. all the good things will start a'rollin in once i get that sorted out. in fact i'm sure he (James) personally promised me that. it may not be on your copy, but i'm sure it's on mine. it's the holly version.

so the pray rain journal that i started today did not begin with the amazing way i'm going to live when i'm a millionaire. it started with how wonderful my husband is. and if i'd known how quickly this would have an affect on my life, i'd have done it from the start.

first of all, let me thank Jeanette for the great idea of it. it was on her blog here. i bought a notebook specifically for this exercise. and i'm using my favorite blue pen. if you're going to do it, do it right, i thought. i love writing with this particular pen, ergo i must love whatever i write with the pen. just nod and smile.

at first i thought "oh jeez so many many many pages of writing. can i write that much good stuff about someone?" then i remembered that i write in this thing every night, so hey, i can probably write at least a page of good stuff about my husband of 12 years. i mean he's not all leaving clothes strewn and where's my dinner. sometimes he's smiles and laughs. so i start. it turns out that i easily pushed out three pages of good stuff about that guy! who knew?! wow! now that's the guy i like! and a couple more in the afternoon. wow! now, not only did it put me in a very good frame of mind, particularly with respect to him, but oh WOW did it change the day!

i found myself emailing him wishing him a happy day. he writes back "are you okay, what's wrong." i didn't write "nothing you dufus i'm trying to be nice to you!" i did reply "i just wanted you to have a nice day!" so then we had a nice digital back-and-forth for awhile. then i told him i'd pick up our daughter from school - he usually does this. that would
a) give me a treat
b) give our daughter a treat
c) give him a break which would hopefully lift his mood.
"fine with me," came the reply.

so i'm waiting at the school, and who walks past me but my husband and our son. "ahem" i say. he looked at me and smiled. then i got a hug from the boy. but the boy always gives me hugs, so that's not really novel. then he was off to terrorize the other children (our son, not my husband).
so we had a nice moment standing waiting for m1 while m2 ran off all his little boy energy, reminding us that we had children so we could laugh at them. in a good way, mostly.

then we head home, him on foot with our son, me with m1 and her friend in the car. (don't worry, he didn't have to walk far; we live around the corner and he only walked because m2 only gets tired by having been walked.)

we had a nice peaceful (as peaceful as it can be with two 8 year old girls in the house) afternoon. no shouting. no, it's true! not even an impatient moment! HEY this pray rain journal thing is working a treat already! woo hoo!

then my daughter's friend's mother, AKA my friend, came to get her daughter. i did the british thang which is offer a cuppa. so the three of us (she, me, he) sat around laughing for a good 30 minutes, something we rarely do.

and that's really what i want most out of life. good friends, good children, good laughs, a nice happy life.

no wait, i still want the millions. they're on their way.

but what a fantastic evening that was created from 5 pages on a steno pad!


Anonymous said...

Hi Holly!

Thanks for the inspiration. I too have read pray rain journal on Jeanette Maw's website but haven't yet begun one. Got tons of journals but wasn't sure how to start.

Reading your entry gave me the inspiration to start journal on my forgiving others and myself. To love and cherish those in my life whether they are loving towards me or not and that I need to begin with self love first so that I may extend it to others..

Thanks again for my inspiration! Gonna get moving on my pray journal.

Good luck with your millions and Happy manifesting! =0)


Claire said...

I also read Jeanette's post and I can't wait til I make three new notebook inserts for my traveler's notebook and start a pray rain journal for three different areas in my life!

Unknown said...

So real n so amusing amazing. You are Great!